Contact us

Contact us – We would love to hear from you!

If you are a landscaper, garden centre, or nursery professional, please use the form below to contact us. We’d love to help your business grow as a Blue Sky partner!


Please note: We know you love plants as much as we do, but we are strictly a wholesale grower –

We do not sell to the public.

Please contact your local nursery, garden centre, or landscape professional

for products.


Contact Us
Fields marked with an * are required

Your Blue Sky Team!

Alice Klamer President / Owner

Phone: 905.563.4245
Fax: 905.563.5256

Pete Zwaagstra Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes and U.S. Sales

Phone: 905.658.2583

Barb Gibson Accounts Receivables / Office Manager

Phone: 905.563.4245
Fax: 905.563.5256

Clinton Klamer General Manager

Phone: 905.563.4245
Fax: 905.563.5256

Derrick Bulk Plant Health Specialist / Inventory

Ryan Zwaagstra Shipping and Quality Control

Anna Szewczyk Office Assistant

Office Assistant / Website Maintenance